A Majority of Americans Support Every One of My Policy Positions and Solutions

Abortion is a human right

  • Solution - Pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (61% of Americans support)
    • Re-establish a nationwide right to abortion access
    • Statutory right for healthcare providers to provide abortions
    • The right to travel for an abortion
    • Protect those who assist people in accessing abortion care

Climate Change - an existential threat, we must take dramatic actions to ensure the survival of our planet

  • Solution - provide an all-hands approach to ensure a durable path to to limit warming to 1.5 degrees celsius (94% of Americans support U.S. participation in international efforts to reduce effects of climate change)
    • Invest in creation of jobs-building clean energy infrastructure
    • Invest in science and research to to lower costs of clean energy
    • Cut climate pollution and decarbonization
    • Reduce health and environmental hazards for at-risk communities

Democracy - our nation’s democracy is in grave danger and we must ensure free and fair elections, the rule of law, an independent judiciary, a free press and a strong civil society

  • Solution - Pass the Freedom to Vote Act (70% of Americans support)
    • Automatic and same day voter registration
    • Require early and mail-in voting
    • Protection against unlawful voter purges
    • Banning partisan gerrymandering
    • Curb dark money from undisclosed sources

Economy - ensure the economy works for all and not just the few

  • Solution - support legislation including Infrastructure and Jobs Act and CHIPS and Science Act (71% and 62% of Americans support, respectively)
    • Investments in energy innovation
    • Strengthen supply chains
    • Boost American competitiveness of semiconductor manufacturing
    • Rebuild America’s infrastructure with good-paying jobs

Gun Reform - our nation must protect its citizens from the use of military assault weapons

  • Solution - support Safer Communities Act and other steps while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners (55% to 81% of Americans support on specific solutions)
    • Ban assault weapons
    • Expand and strengthen background checks
    • Implement red flag laws
    • Prevent those convicted of domestic abuse from owning guns

Healthcare - accessible and affordable healthcare should be available to everyone

  • Solution - expand coverage and financial support (57% of Americans believe the government should ensure all Americans have healthcare)
    • Support expanded coverage under the Inflation Reduction Act
    • Roll back short-term insurance plans
    • Support American Rescue Plan’s affordability provisions
    • Expand funding for education and in-person enrollment assistance

Housing - having even one person who is unhoused is a failure of our society

  • Solution - focus on Housing First solutions (82% of Americans support the federal government helping to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable place to live)
    • Reduce costs to communities by providing permanent housing
    • Provide wrap-around services, especially for the chronically un-housed

Immigration - our system is broken and a solution requires a comprehensive approach

  • Solution - Pass the U.S. Citizenship Act (70% of Americans support comprehensive immigration reform)
    • Establish path to citizenship for Dreamers and holders of Temporary Protected Status
    • Create a plan by DHS to use new technologies along the border
    • Address root causes of migration by investing in Central American countries
    • Reform the legal immigration system, addressing backlog of green card applications

LGBTQ+ Support and Protections - There is absolutely no reason why the human rights of the LGBTQ+ community should not be enshrined into law

  • Solution - Support the Respect for Marriage Act (71% of Americans support same-sex marriage)
  • Solution - Pass the Equality Act (70% of Americans support new civil right laws to reduce discrimination against LGBTQ people)
    • Fill critical gaps in public accommodation non-discrimination law for everyone
    • Add non-discrimination protections for sex, sexual orientation and gender identity to federally funded programs
    • Add explicit non-discrimination for LGBTQ+ people in key areas of life

Medicare - we must protect Medicare benefits and ensure financial solvency of the program

  • Solution - increase taxes on households making over $400K (58% of Americans support)
    • Increase the net investment income tax from 3.8% to 5% for those making over $400K
    • Provide Medicare the ability to negotiate prescription drug prices

Social Security - we must protect social security benefits and ensure financial solvency of the program

  • Solution - increase social security payroll taxes for those making over $400K (76% of Americans support)
    • Current social security taxes on paychecks end at $163K
    • Extend social security taxes to paychecks ending at $163K and then above $400K

Worker’s Rights - protecting worker’s rights to come together and bargain for higher wages, better benefits, and safer workplaces strengthens our economy

  • Solution - Pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (59% of Americans support)
    • Prevents employees seeking to join a union from being fired
    • Allows unions to override “right-to-work” laws
    • Allows unions to collect dues from all employees in a workplace